Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Roll Tide!

I's been a few weeks since I updated our blog. But here we are in the beginnings of another wonderful college football season. Where does the time go?!? Here is my favorite photo of Addison so far sporting her Alabama dress. She even says "Roll Tide" when you ask her to. Definitely an Alabama fan!

So what else has been going on...Addison had a fun afternoon with a babysitter while mommy and daddy got to get out for a little while a few weekends ago. Jonathan and I went to a really fun beer festival here in Roanoke called Microfestivus, where we got to sample lots of really great beer, including lots of local breweries! It was kinda rainy and overcast, but actually turned out to be great weather for this event and was unusually cool that afternoon! Definitely going to do this again next year.

Jonathan's mom came to visit us about a week ago now and we had a great time! She brought Addison lots of Fall clothes and a table and chair set! Oh Addison loves it! Here she is trying it out for the first time. She doesn't use a highchair at daycare, so this should be great to get her more accustomed to eating with us at a table.

So here are a few funny photos from August that I haven't posted yet...Addison is so funny sometimes! The one below is Addison saying "cheese" for the camera and ironically her mouth is full of cheese. :)

Addison trying on her new pink corduroy coat and hat. Still a little too big, but that didn't stop her from wearing it around the house for a while. P.S. She adores this baby stroller...even tries to sit in it and wants to be pushed around. I really need to try and get a photo of her sitting in it. Too funny!

So here she is reading the Dothan magazine. Jonathan says we should submit to the magazine as its youngest reader. haha!! This girl loves loves loves to read. We definitely encourage her as much as is amazing how well her vocabulary is coming now. Sometimes Jonathan and I will look at each other and say "how did she know that?"

A few new things Addison is doing/saying...
- Today, she went up to the coat closet door in the living room and said "open." I opened the door, and she looked inside. Then she said "close" as she shut (er slammed) the door. Then she wanted to do it again, and again, and again.
- For about a week now, she has been putting two words together. Her favorite two-word phrases include "help me," "hold you" (when she wants you to pick her up), "night-night," "come-on mommy" or "come-on daddy."
- Every morning when we go to the car to go to school, Addison stops at the stairs and says "hand," and then takes my hand to walk (and sometimes hop) to the car. She usually holds her milk in one hand (or arm) and my hand in the other.
- She loves this book we got from a Chick-fil-a kid's meal about sea animals. She and Jonathan were reading it together and she was pointing to and naming alot of the fish in there. She even knew the lionfish, dolphin, whale, walrus, sea lion. I guess we have read it so much, she can recognize all of those fish/mammals and more! I told Jonathan we really need to take her to an aquarium soon!
- She's not doing really anything in the way of potty training just yet. We have the seat, and she knows what it's for, but only just sits on it. However, she is letting us know when she maybe it won't be too long before she is really ready. I think it will be pretty easy though since her daycare is great about potty training in the 2-year old class (which Addison will be in very soon).
- Addison loves her daycare and always seems to be very comfortable when I drop her off. This morning, she said "Adios" to me. Too funny!
- It is fun to pick her up in the afternoons too as she usually charges toward me and hugs my legs as soon as she sees me. Then she runs away and wants me to chase her. :)

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