We took Addison in for her 2 year check-up with Dr. Nelson today. She did great at the doctor's office...stepped on the scale when the nurse told her to, stood still while the nurse measured her height. When the doctor came in to check, she threw a book on the floor and Dr. Nelson told her to pick it up and that we don't throw books. Addison got off the bed to pick it up and said "I sorry." Kinda funny, but a little embarrassing for us too. Otherwise, Addison did great. Even when the doctor looked in her ears this time, Addison didn't put up too much of a fight (like she normally does).
Dr. Nelson commented on how well she was talking now...and she is hitting all of her milestones with no problem. She is a happy, healthy little girl! Here are her stats:
Height: 34 inches (61%)
Weight: 30 lbs. 4 oz. (86%)
Head circumference: 19 inches (70%)
So what else has this little 2-year old been doing lately?
- Her favorite thing is for you to read to her or do puzzles with her. She loves to sit in your lap while doing either of these things (which can be a little hard when trying to do a puzzle). Her favorite books seem to be anything associated with the potty (which she still refuses to use) and Dr. Seuss books.
- She also really likes to read to herself. It's funny when we catch her in the act...sometimes she'll stop and get really shy, but mostly she'll just keep on going. She especially loves to sit in her crib and raad when she gets up in the morning or before she goes to sleep.
- She still loves Elmo, but now she has shown interest in Barney and the Wiggles (much to mommy and daddy's demise). Any kind of cartoon will do usually, but these are her favorites.
- She loves to "go bye-bye" and usually associates this with school or shopping. She gets excited and helps you find her shoes, coat and hat.
- She can put her coat on all by herself...puts in on the ground upside down and flips it on over her head. It is amazing and adorable! She can zip it up as long as someone else starts it for her.
- She definitely talks all the time, and repeats (or tries to repeat) just about anything that you say to her.
- She started saying "bless you" when she hears you sneeze. And when she sneezes, she will usually ask for a tissue.
- Dinner time has become a little tough...she rarely eats anything new (we try, but she just says she's "all done" and puts her plate in the sink). Her dinner favs are mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, corn, cheese (sometimes fruit if I am getting desperate for her to eat something).
- Breakfast, lunch and snacks are never really a problem. She will try most things during this time. Maybe I should try veggies at lunch??
- She is a pretty good sleeper and has not tried to get out of her crib at all yet. She usually goes down about 7:30 or 8:00 and sleeps until 6:30 or 7:00. She entertains herself in her crib when she wakes up, so we usually let her "play" in there for about 20 to 30 minutes before getting her (especially on the weekends).
5 years ago
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