Addison and I took a little hiatous from Virginia since her school was closed for the week of June 28. I had to take off work anyway, so we flew to Florida to see my mom and stepdad for a few days. We had a blast and got to see my sister Jen and her little boy, Colton. We took the kids to the waterpark in Crestview and they had a ball!
Addison kept running through the water fountains and trying everything out.
The next day, we headed back to Ft. Walton to see my grandmother (Oma) and take her to breakfast. Well, Addison had other plans and had an ultimate meltdown in the IHOP! We literally had to leave the restaurant. That was definitely a first for me...but I'm afraid it won't be the last meltdown. So much for the terrible twos...she's only 20 months old and I'm afraid they have already set in!
Addison also is in this phase now where she will bite herself or pull out her hair to get my attention. She especially does this when she wants something and I refuse (mostly because she could hurt herself) or alot of times when she wants out of the car seat and I won't let her (while the car is moving). I just tell her that I will get her our when we stop. She has left bite marks on herself (and me) and has pulled alot of her front hair out. So frustrating for me...but I think (I hope) it is just a phase.
After a few days in Florida, we headed to Montgomery, AL to spend some time with my dad, Sara and Courtney. We had a great time there too!
Addison and Courtney
We went to the YMCA pool the first day, and Addison again sprinted right for the water. I bought her some swimmies to try and keep her from going under the water. She has always LOVED the water and was so excited about this new found independence. The pool was zero entry and only 3 feet deep. She walked all over that pool and of course still thought it would be fun to go under. I was always right beside her, ready to pick her back up to do it again. She had a BLAST!
The next night, we went to Bass Pro Shops, and I think this was the funnest part of our trip to AL! We spent about 1 1/2 hours in that store and Addison and Courtney just explored every inch of it! I got some great photos too...they really had a great time climbing in and out of the boats, tents, and ATVs. Then we went to dinner there and Addison was surprisingly really good the whole day!
We also went to the Montgomery Zoo...and had a great time. We saw lots of animals, and got really close to a giraffe's tongue! Addison could point to some of the animals if I asked her where they were. She loved looking at all the animals, but was also very interested in pushing her stroller around. This zoo is really good! I was surprised by the habitats they have there and so many different animals! Our favorite was the monkeys...even had one climb on the window right in front of us! We rode the train around the zoo as well, and Addison seemed to enjoy the trip! We played on the zoo playground too...and Addison enjoyed the slide for sure!
The airplane rides were actually very uneventful this time too! I was a little worried about traveling with Addison without Jonathan's help...but Addison did GREAT! She loves to wave and blow kisses to people...she is such a ham! She'll often stand on my legs and look back in the plane to see everyone.
A couple other quite memorable moments that happened recently....I bought Addison a potty chair (pink baby bjorn chair) and she loves sitting on it. She sets her dolls in it too. So we've been putting her on it before getting in the bathtub (without her clothes or diaper) to see if she would do anything and mainly just to get her comfortable on it. Well, about a week ago...she did it! She went pee pee in the potty for the first time! She hasn't done it since...but she did it!! We are going to start trying a little harder now that we are done traveling for a while and see what happens.
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