Saturday, July 31, 2010

End of July already

So I have been a little delayed in our new blog posts...but nothing really new to report. Jonathan has this weekend I thought I would catch up a little bit while Addison naps (or reads in her crib while she is supposed to be napping). :) Anywho, we are all doing great...same thing different day. Addison is doing wonderful...learning and saying all kinds of new things everyday. And did I mention that she LOVES to read!?! One of her teachers said that her vocabulary is really growing...and we can sure tell! She loves to repeat words and sometimes it is funny what actually comes out of her mouth as she tries to talk. Yesterday I told her to say "See you later" and she came pretty close! She can tell us that she wants milk or water ("wawer"), and today she said "gayray" (gaterade). Too funny! Here are some other memorable things that she is doing now:

- When Jonathan and I are getting ready to put her down for a nap, she tries to make us lay down (she'll push on our backs if we are on the floor). Once we are down, she'll find a blanket (or a towel) and cover us up. She even gives us a toy or stuffed animal too. I'll have to try and catch a picture of this when she does it to Jonathan. :)

- She loves to help me in the kitchen. When I am making something where I can get her to help putting cheese on something or stirring...I get the step ladder and Addison watches and helps. It is so fun to watch her...can't wait until she can really help bake cookies. :)

- She loves to give hugs and kisses. I'll ask for a hug or a kiss and she'll give me one and then go give daddy one. She'll kiss and hug her babies or Elmo if they are close enough at the time.

- She LOVES LOVES LOVES Elmo!! She usually watches at least one episode when we get home from school. She gets mad if we don't fast forward through Sesame Street to go straight to Elmo's World. Here she is watching Elmo's World:

- She pushes her baby doll stroller all over the house! She also tries to sit in it herself and get us to push her.
- When she starts to whine like she wants something (usually to eat or drink), we'll go to her and ask her to use her words. Then she usually says "help me" or tells us what she wants like "milk" or "cookie."

- She is trying so hard to hop! It is funny to she's trying to jump into the ground rather than off the ground. Hard to explain but hilarious.

- When she's done with dinner or snack, she says "all done." (And then usually pulls her bib off or throws her spoon/fork on the floor.)

- She asks to "walk" alot now...which is great except when we are in a hurry. Her walking consists of a slow stroll and wants to stop and look/touch/smell everything! When she goes up or down the stairs she doesn't want you to be near her...she'll turn around and wave her hand saying "no, no, no" because she doesn't want you to help her. She's actually gotten really good at going up...its the down part we are still working on.

- Eating spaghettio's...she always looks like this:

- Playing in the tub...lining her bath toys on the ridge of the tub. She can also pick up the toys that you ask her to. For example if I ask her where is the dolphin...she picks it up (and sometimes throws it to me). Haha! Oh, and she loves to splash and often tries to drink the bath water. Yuk!

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