On July 15 (21 months), Addison went to her first appointment with the dentist. We chose a pediatric dentist, Dr. Bittle, who came recommended by friends. We always brush her teeth before bedtime and don't let her have anything but water after that. From what I have read, the recommendation of a first trip to the dentist is around 12 months. I thought this was a bit too early, but thought maybe around age 2 we would go.
The waiting room area was pretty fun for Addison, although she seemed to like the door to the playroom the best (in and out, in and out). Then she found the chalk board. This was fun as long as I could keep her from putting the chalk into her mouth! LOL!
After a few minutes, they called us back and Addison wanted to sit in the big chair all by herself. I brought my camera with me, but felt silly trying to take a picture, so unfortunately I have no pictures (mad at myself now). The hygenist gave her a stuffed animal and some books, and Addison was just fine. The dentist came in and started asking her about the book. Then he counted her fingers and toes (to get her comfortable with him), and slowly worked his way to her face. She was looking over at me like "who is this guy?" It took alot not to laugh...
She did good until of course he wanted to look inside her mouth. She started crying a little bit and reaching out for me, but the dentist was great and kept telling her "you have no idea how much it helps when you do that" meaning that he was able to see her teeth much better when she was yelling (haha)!
He told me everything looked really good, and he would like to see her in a year unless we had any other problems or her 2 year molars came in sooner than that (which he said did not look like they would be coming anytime soon).
One memorable moment...while the dentist was talking to me about Addison's teeth, Addison had gone into her diaper bag, gotten the wipes, a diaper, and the mat that I lay her on to change her diaper. She was sitting in the big dentist chair attempting to put a diaper on the stuffed animal the hygenist had given her! It was too funny!
Addison left with a new toothbrush and 2 little plastic fish. I think she did a great job...and I feel better knowing that we are doing the right things to keep her teeth clean at this point. Yay!
5 years ago
Very good baby girl! Oh yes, of course every parent is doing his/er best for his/er kids to stay healthy and beautiful inside and out. Job well done for you, too, Elaine! =)